Urinary Discomfort

The International Incontinence Society defines urinary incontinence as a situation in which involuntary loss of urine occurs. It is a multidisciplinary problem, since, in addition to being a clinical situation, it also involves economic and social spheres. It harms patient’s health, deprives them of good life quality and can lead to isolation situations.


According to recent data, urinary incontinence affect twice as many women as men. Studies show that 50% of women experience, in their lifetime, some sort of involuntary urine loss. Other statistics indicate that this condition affects between 20% to 30% of young women, 30% to 40% of middle-aged women and about 50% of older women. It is estimated that, by 2030, the numbers will grow by 35%.


In addition to age, there are other risk factors associated with it, such as pregnancy, postpartum, menopause, obesity and physical inactivity.


Due to its scope and impact on physical and mental health, urinary incontinence should not be ignored. In order to fight social stigma – the biggest obstacle in the search for solutions – it is fundamental to understand the problem.

Types of urinary incontinence

Effort urinary incontinence.


It affects 50% of women who experience involuntary urine leakage. It occurs in effort situations – such as coughing, laughing, sneezing or jumping, for example – without having a bladder contraction. It is caused by the occurrence of sudden abdominal contraction, which is transmitted to the bladder and urethra incorrectly.

Urgency urinary incontinence.


Urine loss occurs involuntarily, always preceded by a strong urge to urinate. It is caused by a bladder filling and storage of urine problem, which leads to contractions that cause a strong urge to urinate.

Mixed urinary incontinence.


It mixes urinary incontinence by effort and urgency.


Postpartum is one of the reasons for urinary incontinence

One of the common postpartum consequences is the occurrence of involuntary urine leakage, with effort urinary incontinence being the most frequent. It happens as a result of movements that imply strength – such as laughing, coughing, sneezing or bending down to pick up an object.

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Surgery is one of the reasons for urinary incontinence

Pelvic surgeries and correction of genital prolapse – as a result of an organ displacement – are recorrent causes of urinary incontinence.

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Menopause is one of the reasons for urinary incontinence

It shows up without a scheduled date, between 40 and 58 years old, and its symptoms can be more or less subtle. Beside the well known sudden hot flashes or the end of menstruation, the reduction in ovarian activity caused by the end of estrogen production has more manifestations in the woman’s body. Urinary incontinence is one of them.

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