How has urinary incontinence affected my menopause

I entered menopause at the age of 47. It was hell: hot flashes that made me open the refrigerator door to cool off, menstruation disappearing, fat accumulating in the abdomen. It is not an easy time for women. It is a time of great changes, but I was able the adapt to it. What else!


My life was well planned: classes at the gym, a ceramics course, many walks in the nature. I’ve always been told that I have a tingling bug! I am an extremely active person, and my professional life has always allowed me to have a lot of time for myself.


I thought that menopause symptoms could not get worse. I was wrong: I started to lose urine. Yes, involuntary leakage of urine. I didn’t want to believe it! I began to be invaded by urgent needs to go to the bathroom, sudden needs that did not choose a place or time.


I would only go somewhere, if I knew there was a bathroom nearby


Margarida | 47 years old

It was extremely uncomfortable and influenced my day-to-day life. To me, a woman with so much energy, I started considering whether to leave home or not. I would only go somewhere if I knew there was a bathroom nearby. “Woman, have you changed!”, I thought.


Until one day my three children did some kind of intervention. They were surprised of my new routine (or absence of it) and they knew something wasn’t right. After many months of hiding this strange phenomenon that had taken hold of me, I throw in the towel and told them: I had urinary incontinence.


It was the best thing I did. Together we looked for solutions. I do Kegel exercises on a daily basis and I take natural supplements. Gradually, my life went back to what it was. Today, I’m older, but I’m more active and happy. It’s gone.


How urinary incontinence affected my postpartum

Marta | 42 years old

The loss of urine started to happen during pregnancy. It attacked when I sneezed, when I coughed, when I laughed and even when I went to the gym – very important to fight the huge number of pounds I had gained.

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How urinary incontinence affected my sleep

Amália | 34 years old

Urinary incontinence, in the form of nocturnal enuresis (urge to urinate at night), entered in my life at the age of 34. It drastically affected my life quality, especially when it comes to sleep. I didn’t sleep and did not let others sleep.

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How urinary incontinence led me to depression

Beatriz | 38 years old

It was after a pelvic surgery that I started having episodes of urinary incontinence. It was a tough period, which led me to depression.

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