How Kegel’s exercises can help with urinary incontinence

Urinary incontinence in women is often associated with dysfunction of the pelvic musculature, which is essential in controlling the urine. If you are experiencing this, don’t think that there’s no solution. These muscles are like the others – meaning, you can exercise them. Kegel exercises, have you heard of them?


Created by Arnold Kegel in the 40s, Kegel exercises consist of contraction movements of the pelvic muscles, with the aim of strengthening them. The best? Whether on a subway trip or a business meeting, or even while watching TV, you can do them anywhere and at anytime. Nobody will notice.


But it is not in any way. There are rules. They are simple, but fundamental

First of all, start by identifying these muscles. There are several ways.

  • When you’re urinating stop the flow of urine. If it stops that means you’re activating the right muscles.
  • Simulate that you are blocking the intestinal gas outlet. If you have a tugging sensation that means you are training your pelvic muscles again.


Once the muscles are identified, ensure that, before starting, you have an empty bladder.

How to do Kegel exercises?


Start by slowly contracting pelvic muscles, counting to 5. Then, relax, again in 5 steps. It is important that the contractions are performed calmly, ensuring that, in addition to these, you are not contracting any other muscles.


Do between 10 to 15 repetitions of this exercise, about three times a day. Do not forget. For an effective routine, it is essential to perform it frequently and daily.


You can also make the exercises with the help of a medium size and soft ball.

Then just sit on a chair and place the ball between your knees. Close your legs, squeezing the ball, and count to 5. Relax counting to 5 again without dropping the object.