The importance of vitamin D in urinary incontinence

Vitamin D deficiency is difficult to detect because its symptoms are subtle and unspecific. The consequences however are severe: depression, bones and joints pain, muscle fatigue, a weakened immune system. And also urinary incontinence.


Science has already associated the reduction of involuntary urine losses with normal doses of this nutrient. At stake is the fact that its receptors are present in the destrusor, a wall muscle present in the bladder. The detrusor response improves the more normal the doses of this vitamin are.

Where is vitamin D naturally present?


Vitamin D is naturally present in some foods, such asfat fish, fish oils, milk, vegetable drinks and creams or bread. However, the exposure to sunlight is its best source.


In summary, this is how the process goes: vitamin D is endogenously produced by the radiation of sunlight on our skin, triggering the synthesis of vitamin D.


So, at the root its deficit in our body, is precisely, the lack of sun exposure. This lack has been considered a public health problem in several countries, especially in Europe and the United States.

It is essential to ensure an adequate supply of this nutrient


The reference value of the plasma concentration of 25-hydroxyvitamin D for the adult population is in the range of 20-30 ng/ml, being considered insufficient below the 20 ng/ml.


Finding out if there is a lack of this nutrient is simple. A simple blood test is enough. This is particularly important for people over 65, especially when institutionalized or hospitalized.


How to solve the problem?


  • The first step is to enjoy between 10 to 20 minutes of daily sun, without protective cream, ideally when ultraviolet radiation is at its lowest.
  • Consuption of foods rich in Vitamin D
  • Include food supplements that optimize vitamin D levels, particularly important in the elderly, especially women.

The importance of selenium in urinary incontinence

Selenium is a micronutrient, trace element, present in the soil and in foods.

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